Hello, we’re ekaterra. The world’s biggest tea company.

Founded in 2021, but with a history of more than 150 years, we’re home to more than 34 world-famous tea brands.

From Lipton and Pukka, to TAZO®, PG tips and T2, you’ll find our tasty brews in more than 100 countries.

Like the best-loved teas, our name is a blend: eka is Sanskrit, and means ‘one’.

And in Latin, terra means ‘land’. In Chinese, it means ‘nature’. It’s a reminder there’s only one earth. If we care for her, she’ll look after us too.

We bring these ideas and cultures together in our shared purpose: to create a world of wellbeing through the regenerative power of plants.

With our brands and partners we support people and planet, in equal measure. Creating a virtuous cycle of growth for everyone related to ekaterra: our farming communities, our consumers, employees and shareholders.

With over 15,000 colleagues in four continents, we bring tasty teas and infusions to more than 600 million people each day. In homes, cafes and restaurants, and places of work.

We’d love you to be part of our story.

Find out more about us , our brands , and our history .